pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - April 2018
Initiating Sex
When is a Wink Just a Wink?
Several times a year we tackle the complicated topic of
sex at the request of our fan base.
It seems that all couples are struggling with this delicate
subject. Even the following accepted axioms are being
challenged by the growth and flexibility of gender roles:
Men are like microwaves and women are like crock pots;
Men need to have sex to feel close and women need to
feel close to have sex; Men tend to be the initiators of
sex which translates to “women control the frequency.”
These all play significant roles in the dilemma. Suffice it to say, that those couples who
continue to struggle to have sex, seem to have an edge over those who have given up
This leads into our topic of “initiating sex.” With all the complications mentioned above, it
seems foolhardy to add yet another complication. We frequently hear complaints from
men that their wives never initiate sex. The women’s response is often that they do not
have a chance to because the man is always pushing. If the man would back off, the
woman might show interest.
Apart from the obvious, there is a weird dynamic of one partner giving off some oblique
cue like “I touched your leg as I went past you after dinner” or “I winked at you when you
came home” that are so subtle that they are often missed.
Most relationships have a partner who is more interested in sex and one who is less
interested (in this day and age, not always determined by gender). It would be helpful if
the covert signals could be overt.
One couple we worked with kept a candle in the bedroom. Either one of them could light
the candle to indicate that they were open to an amorous interlude. A clear signal to their
partner who could either follow-up on the request, or say “I appreciate your interest –
definitely over the weekend.”
Vague, indirect innuendos often go unnoticed and only add another complexity to an
already complicated arena.
While we are on the topic, each partner has their own idiosyncratic love language and
coming up behind your wife and fondling her breasts while her hands are in the sink is not
a form of initiating sex or foreplay.
How you approach your partner needs to be a “turn on” not a “turn off”; A topic for another
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