pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - July 2018
Change the Course of Your Ritual Impasse
Many of you who have worked with us, are
familiar with the term ‘ritual impasse.’
A ritual impasse is a reoccurring theme or
issue that comes up between you over and
over again. It may be disguised differently at
different times.
A ritual impasse can come up in the ‘content’
of conversation, for example, “You are
always late,” “I am not,” or it can come up as
a dynamic between you, for example,
“Whenever you raise your voice, I shut
down…”. Over time, these repetitive
themes, gone unchecked can create anger,
resentment, misunderstanding, and wear
and tear on the relationship.
Awareness of ritual impasses, become opportunities for self-exploration and challenges
for growth. We look at ritual impasses as the ‘gold into windows of opportunity’ to create
inner strength and resiliency. Rather than continuing the fight, the couple where one
partner was chronically late, decided to ‘do something different.’ The partner who was
annoyed created new strategies. He worked on the part of him that needed to be more
‘patient’ and stopped complaining about her lateness which only added to her lateness.
Interestingly, she is now more frequently on time.
In the case of the woman ‘coming at her husband’ with what Harville Hendrix calls a ‘harsh
start up’ leading to him shutting down, or ‘flooding,’ both were able to recognize their
‘typical’ behaviors, stay present and speak more calmly and forthcoming with each other
about what was happening for them in the moment.
These are not easy strategies to put into practice but are very rewarding both personally
and for the relationship. The first step is to identify when a ritual impasse is occurring and
label it as such. Then, ask yourself, “what can I do differently,” and talk about this with
your partner. We are all in this together. No one here is the victim. It is not any easier for
our partner to change his or her behavior than it is for ourselves.
Next time you find yourself thinking “here we go again…,” try something different. What
do you have to lose? Let us know how this works for you.
We appreciate thoughts and ideas for future Pearls from our readership, please submit them to
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