pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - September 2018
Fairness I
(The beginning of a dialogue)
For over a year now, we have had a Pearl
on the topic of Fairness marinating on the
Each time we work on the Pearl, we are
stymied and put it away. However
incomplete, we thought we would put it out
there to commence a dialogue with you
wondering about the concept of fairness as
it relates to relationships. This may require
several revisions as we mull it over with
your input added.
Clearly, a topic, which we hear about
frequently in our work, is that of fairness.
One partner feels that the other has the better end of the deal and it is not “fair.” Events
occur in life and it does not seem “fair.” A dishonest scoundrel seems to get rewarded,
while the person who plays by the rules does not.
We see examples all around us where things do not line up, yet we do not want to be
hardened or cynical and say, “there is no fairness.”
Is it a goal of your relationship that things be fair? Is one of you a glass half full person
who sees possibilities for fairness, and your partner a glass half empty person who thinks
that fairness is not even possible? Does one of you dwell on the concept of fairness more
than the other? What role does fairness play in your relationship? How about in your life?
Please send us your thoughts, so that we can gain perspective on this important and
complicated topic.
We appreciate thoughts and ideas for future Pearls from our readership, please submit them to
us at