pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - November 2018
Take a Chance
Recently, it occurred to us that we take for
granted a basic marriage principle - You
should be your “True Self” with your partner.
How many of you masquerade, hiding parts
of yourself because you will feel judged by
your spouse or due to your own
embarrassment or shame?
Are you hiding truths about yourself? Can
you let your hair down with your partner so
that he/ she knows your deepest concerns?
We find that couples complain that there is too much small talk in their relationship and
that people avoid sharing their more intimate parts, which then makes them feel alone
and disconnected.
Take a chance.
Speak openly from your heart about a concern or worry that is on your mind (not pointing
a finger at other). Show courage by destabilizing the status quo.
Be open to the possibility that with risk comes reward.
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