pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - October 2019
Embrace the Differences
One of the things couples often fight about is
the differences between them.
The person who is quick to process is
frustrated by the person who needs to mull
things over. The person who needs to go to
bed early feels lonely and resentful of their
partner who is a night owl. We could go on and
on but suffice it to say that over time these
differences lead to tensions and struggles.
Understand that these differences are built into
the relationship. They are part of what first
attracted you to one another. It is a
combination of “opposites attract” and the natural energy in the relationship toward
individuation – If you are like this then I will become more of that.
In carving out our own turf we naturally assume a different position in relation to our
partner. If he is strict with the kids by nature she will be more lenient to compensate. Then
the couple fights because “we are not on the same page.”
For our own survival we struggle with separateness so we can breathe.
We have so much to learn from our partner.
Embrace the differences!
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