pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - November 2019
Striving for Mediocrity
Couples frequently tell us that they are
frustrated by the hills and valleys of their
relationship. They also tell us how exhausting
the ups and downs can be.
Why is it that we have to go through the
exhilaration of things going well only to have
them be painful the next day?
A woman recently told us that she shudders
when things are going well because she knows
what is coming.
What if we change the playing field? Rather than seeking exhilaration, we become more
mindful about just getting along and showing appreciation for one another. Life is
increasingly complicated and demanding. Take the pressure off yourself and your partner.
Sometimes we have to be reminded that our partner cannot be expected to fulfill all our
needs. Perhaps in striving for mediocrity, you will be surprised to find yourselves enjoying
getting along on a more consistent basis.
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