pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - September 2019
Two Personalities
In our work with couples, we frequently run into
the following theme: People are nicer (fun
loving, engaged, positive) with others than with
their own spouse.
A wife will say to us, “I want some of the Bill
that others get.” How frustrating and sad. It
seems we are our worst selves with our partner
and others benefit from not living with us. What
are the variables?
All day long we strive to be “nice” to people, so
we use up our “niceness” and are grumpy
when we get together at the end of the day.
We spend the most time with each other so our “tired and frustrated self” emerges – we
let our hair down and our partner experiences the good, the bad and the ugly.
Then there is the concept of distance regulation in coupleship. Everyone fears intimacy.
We fear being controlled, being close, being known. Our partner has the power to hurt us
because they know our inner workings. We are constantly struggling with themes of
dependence and independence. Sometimes we wonder if there is a bit of sadism in the
person who appears so loving, generous and thoughtful to the outside world, but treats
their partner coldly.
We once worked with a couple, in which the woman said, “I look great on the outside.
Men are always flirting with me and I am a lot of fun. Just don’t live with me, because I
am not fun if you get too close.”
Can you recognize your inner experience and not take it out on your partner? Are you
able to tolerate someone knowing you, loving you and accepting you for who you are?
Be nicer to the one you live with.
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