pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - October 2020
Mate Selection
Many social scientists have studied the
concept of mate selection. What are the
variables that caused you to choose your
partner? Similar values and background?
You felt that “time was running out” and
thus had to marry the person you were
currently dating?
Many years ago, a wise shaman proposed
the following: Falling in love involves
RESCUE. Each partner rescues the other
from intolerable circumstances.
Somewhere lurking in the unconscious elements of love is a romantic fable of Damsel or
Dane in distress. It may be a painful family of origin from which you were plucked or your
own thoughts about yourself – “I am too stupid (too ugly, too shy, too serious… etc) to be
The theory is that in the underbelly of each couple there lies a deeply romantic fable of
rescue. Stop for a moment and look at whom you chose and consider what they rescued
you from. Can you see how they saved you?
Once you have identified the circumstances of how you rescued or were rescued, pause
and show appreciation and gratitude for the very dire situation that you were once in and
thank your partner for saving you.
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