pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - February 2021
My Relationship, My Teacher
For those of you who have worked with us,
you are familiar with the concept of
relationships being an opportunity for
personal growth. Each couple is unique in
that the pairing of the two individuals
creates a couple-ship in which each
partner’s unresolved issues are played
out. Frequently, we get stuck thinking that
our struggles and unhappiness are the
result of our partner and their behavior and
we miss out on the opportunity to identify
and heal what lies beneath our reaction. It
seems easier to blame our partner for their
behavior and accuse them of being the
problem rather than seeing the (perceived)
behavior as a trigger that touches a tender spot within us.
When we look at our partner through a different lens, a mirror, we see parts of ourselves
reflected back to us. Observing how we react to our partner when we get angry or hurt,
perhaps with harshness, dismissiveness, unkind words, etc. can provide insight into how
we were treated earlier in our life and how we treat ourselves, let alone our partner. In
bypassing this crucial step, we do not take the time to turn inward and care for our
vulnerable parts (hurt, sad, rejected). Instead, we attack our partner in a manner that
puts them on the defensive which gives us even less of a chance of gaining the insight
the situation offers.
Healthy relationships start with a strong sense of “self.” Not “self righteousness,” but
rather a strong sense of “self-caring.” How we relate to ourselves is manifested in our
relationships with others. If we truly want to grow our relationships, the work must start
from within. If we relate to ourselves with compassion and acceptance, those too will be
manifested in our relationships. Envision what you would like your relationship to look
like and share this vision with your partner. Share with each other some ideas in which
you will work on yourselves which will also benefit the relationship.
We appreciate thoughts and ideas for future Pearls from our readership, please submit them to
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