pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - May2021
What does the word Abracadabra
The word 'abracadabra' is of Hebrew
or Aramaic origin, being derived
either from the Hebrew words 'ab'
(father), 'ben' (son), and 'ruach
hakodesh' (holy spirit), or from the
Aramaic 'Avra Kadavra
(Kehadabra)', meaning 'it will be
created in my words'.
Words have magic powers and can
change everything for good or bad.
Whoever said “Sticks and stones can
break my bones but words can never
hurt me” was mistaken. This is true
about the words we speak to ourselves and others. We can use words that invoke
feelings of love, pride, confidence which create a cascade of oxytocin and other
healthful, mood boosting chemicals and hormones or we can speak words that cause
hurt, blame and shame which is followed by a myriad of chemicals that are harmful
when running through our body. Words can hurt or words can heal.
All too often we “hurt and run.” When we are mindful and speak with intention, our words
reflect our own integrity, and line up with who we truly are. Speaking from Self, truth and
authenticity feels good to ourselves and others. Easier said than done.
All of us have heard stories of regret. Stories that speak to things we wish we said or did
not say to someone we love and did not get a chance to make repair. After listening to
one such story from a friend, she said “I will never say anything that couldn’t stand as
the last thing I ever say to the person. This might be a tall order but something to think
about, something to strive for.”
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