pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - August 2021
How Do You Take Care of Yourself and Your Partner?
One of the exercises couples do
in our Communication Class is for
each person to identify how they
take care of themselves and how
they take care of their partner.
Often, couples are surprised and
sometimes hurt when they learn
what their partner is doing to ‘take
care of them’ as it does not
always land as a feeling of being
taken care of.
How we love and feel loved is rooted in our childhood experiences. In our formative
years, joy, suffering, disappointment, and shame all influence our ideas and beliefs
about love.
We bring all of this into our adult relationships as we set out looking for a mate who can
offer what feels familiar.
Many of you are acquainted with of the work of Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love
Languages. In his book he outlines five general categories in ways we feel taken care
of: Physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and gifts. Identifying
your own love language and sharing it with your partner is key toward getting your
needs met and feeling loved. Unintentionally, we may miss the mark by being
uninformed and delivering our own currency of love to them.
Set aside time to talk to your partner about the things that you can do that will make
them feel loved and valued. Be open to what they say and careful not to judge them.
Remember we are all different and wired based on our life experiences. Good
relationships are based on goodwill and trust and offering the right love language can
help build both. We would love to hear what you learn from each other and how that is
going in your relationship!
We appreciate thoughts and ideas for future Pearls from our readership, please submit them to
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