pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - October 2021
We realize that we are relationship
junkies as we observe our own
interactions and those of couples we
work with trying to understand what
makes this whole thing so difficult.
Clearly, one influence is how things
change over the course of time and
the multiple challenges presented. We
fall in love when young and
unencumbered. It is an exciting time.
Do people really expect it to continue
like that?
In our groups, we often ask couples, “What makes relationships so difficult?” There are a
myriad of perspectives. Frequently, we hear about partners changing or not being who
their spouse thought they were. Another common concern is differences in parenting
and the stress that children put on the marriage.
Not to be reductionistic, but a key complaint is a lack of truly “getting” our partner or
worse, them not getting us. We coined an expression, “You make sense to me, which
helps me make sense OF me.” What does this mean? It speaks to a key overarching
need in a relationship; to be seen, to be understood, not necessarily agreed with, but
more importantly, affirmed.
If my partner does not “get” me, I do not reap the benefit of making sense to myself.
Relationships grow when we live in an environment in which we make sense to our
partner and they make sense to us. Again, not necessarily agreeing, but rather being
deeply known. To live with someone who does not “get” us, our sense of self is
If I “get” you and even like the essence of who you are, it helps to feel grounded. The
challenge of living with someone who does not truly connect with who you are, can lead
to a lonely existence.
Of course, there are many answers to the question, of what makes relationships so
difficult, but if there is a core acceptance and true understanding of who we are, then we
have a greater chance of fulfillment.
We appreciate thoughts and ideas for future Pearls from our readership, please submit them to
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