pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075 © Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - November 2021
Giving Thanks!
November is a time to pause and reflect on all that we are grateful for, including our relationships and the important people in our lives. A time to acknowledge the things we appreciate about our partner and recognize what we may be taking for granted. It is also a time to share our appreciation of one another. Does your partner feel appreciated? Are the ways in which you show appreciation landing for them? Many of us think our partner should ‘just know’ that we recognize all they do and appreciate them without having to tell or show them. We have asked couples in our groups to share some of the ways they show appreciation to each other and thought we would share some of their suggestions; Verbally thanking their partner or writing notes, spending time with them, showing interest in their partner’s hobbies, being affectionate, doing chores, buying them flowers, giving them compliments, being a good listener, planning a date night, and giving them breakfast in bed, just to name a few. We invite you to create a list of ways that you think you show appreciation and share that list with one another. What makes your partner feel special, loved and important? Remember, a little acknowledgement goes a long way! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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