pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month | July 2022
What Were You Thinking?
So often, we work with couples who long for the
good old days and resent that things have
changed. They are unprepared for the challenging
times, but keep looking back to when things were
so much less complicated.
Remember those years back before marriage,
when you fell in love, and could not get enough of
each other? There is a reason they call it the
“honeymoon phase,” and we do not mean to be
cynical, but how could you think that it would
always be like that? Those years were marked by
sexual energy, the newness of getting to know one another, and attraction. “At last I
have found the right one.”
Life is marked by change and oftentimes the relationship gets battered by life events.
The excitement of the newness has worn off and we begin to focus on the not so
pleasant parts of our partner, and unfulfilled parts of ourselves.
It is important to enjoy those beginning months and years, but what is more important is
practicing a generous attitude that keeps perspective and adapts to change. In truth, it
goes by very quickly, and holding on to a perspective that finds things to appreciate can
offset the grumbling.
Life and our relationships are a gift, and living accordingly will make the journey a richer
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