pearl of the month
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© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month | December 2022
Toss out the Ledger
Too many couples get caught up in who has the better deal.
There is a competition that each one fuels with the belief that
they do more than their partner.
As we end 2022 and begin 2023, now is a good time to toss
out the ledger. Stop keeping track of what you do vs. your
partner’s contributions. It is all subjective anyway as we tend to amplify and notice what
we do and minimize our spouse’s efforts.
I guess the question is, why is it important who does what? Why are you looking for
We are part of a team, and each pull our own weight. At times, one may contribute
more, but it balances out anyway as we contribute differently.
It is not a competition!
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