pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - March 2023
Appreciate the Differences
Over and over again, we see couples who
seem to hate each other. It is hard to imagine
that at one time, these folks were in love and
getting married (honeymoon phase). They say,
“We have nothing in common – we are so
different.” Exactly – that is why they are
together. Opposites do attract – we have lots
to teach one another, but what is the process
of alienation? For most, all is manageable until
the kids are born and couples have to deal
with differences in parenting and the time
required for raising a child. People long for
“The Good Old Days,” when they had time for themselves and did not have to negotiate
who was getting up during the night, who was staying home from work with a sick child,
etc. and the issue only gets compounded as they have child number two, three or four.
While we are at it, we need to address the differences on parental expectations today
VS when you were growing up. It seems that our parents and previous generations were
not “in tune” with their children’s emotional needs and parents today are burdened by
expecting to be exquisitely aware of their child’s needs. Raising children today, requires
super human efforts at meeting children’s physical and emotional needs above all else
(keeping water in the reservoir of your relationship and self-care).
It is as though childrens’ needs supplant all needs of nurturing one another which leads
to couples dissatisfaction and our high divorce rate.
There needs to be a better balance between caring for the kids and actively loving one
another and taking time for self.
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