pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - March 2024
Give Your Partner the Benefit of the Doubt!
More and more couples are making effort to
improve their relationship. Most people today,
recognize that due to their overstressed schedules
and involvement with their devices, relationships
are taking a beating. One needs to make a
conscious effort to fill the relationship reservoir.
In addition to putting the phones away and
scheduling date night, there is one critical variable
that we like to emphasize. Give your partner the
benefit of the doubt. Stop being so critical and cut
your spouse some slack.
Everyone feels challenged and overworked. Hit the
pause button. Change the pace. Understand that
your partner is truly doing the best they can.
Being supportive, appreciative, and loving goes a long way to raising the marital
thermostat. By the way, same goes with the kids. They too are being raised in this
overstressed universe and they too need a loving atmosphere.
What’s your rush?
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