past pearls
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075 © Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - April 2014
A common theme, which results in disappointment for couples, is “not wanting to have to ask” for what we want from our partner. Why doesn’t he just know what needs to be done around the house? Can’t she tell that I had a difficult day at work and I just want to be left alone? What gets in the way of our sharing with our partner what we want from them? It seems that often we expect our partner to “know what to do” without our telling them. When our partner anticipates our needs, we feel affirmed, seen and understood. How much is too much to expect? Is it magical thinking to expect our partner to know what we want? We are setting up our partner to “read our mind” only to be let down and disappointed. A marital test? How nice it would be to languish in the times when our partner comes through on their own but not take it personally when they don’t: Ask for what you need. Allow your partner to take care of you even if you had to tell them what to do and see if you can appreciate and even enjoy it.
Don’t Stand on Ceremony