past pearls
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075 © Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - June 2014
Cell Phones
We did not grow up in the cell phone era, so we are constantly taken aback by the rules and expectations. Frequently, we have couples in our offices with one furious at the other for not answering their phone. The expectation is that, “You will always be there for me” – “You will always be available to me.” The other day a wife calmly explained that her husband had left her fifteen phone messages within a seven-minute span, each one increasingly intense and rageful. Evidently, he needed her right then and she had left her phone at home. When did things go awry or are we somehow off base? Should we expect our partner to be always available to us? Can we wish that they would “always be there” but somehow understand that that is unlikely and impractical. Sometimes we have to figure things out on our own and do the best we can and our partner must forgive us if we make the “wrong” decision because we could not reach them. We are human and imperfect.