pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - March 2016
Are You Asking My Opinion?
One particularly edgy topic that we run into with couples
occurs when one partner asks the other their opinion. It
seems that oftentimes there are hidden motives behind
what appears to be a somewhat innocuous question.
Recently, a husband had asked his wife to look at the job
done by the plow guy and she looked and said, “Looks
good to me.”
He then went on a tirade about the lousy job the guy had
done, the high cost, etc. which led to a nasty argument
between them with her adding, “You always feel like you
are getting ripped off, and why did you ask my opinion
It would be helpful if rather than baiting your partner by asking an open question that
seeks some affirmation of your opinion, you just led with, “I think the plow guy did a
lousy job, what do you think?”
Do not ask a question if you do not want to hear the answer.