pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2025
Pearl of the Month - September 2016
Where Does Free Will Fit In Your Relationship?
Relationships are complicated.
As human beings we each need
to feel like we are charting our
own course in life, yet if we are
in a relationship, our partner
must also have a voice. If one
person dominates and the other
“gives in” it eventually creates
trouble. It is good to be flexible
but loss of self is toxic. Free will
– doing what we want, when we
want is an interesting concept
within a relationship context.
Lately, in our groups, we have been exploring where “free will” fits in a relationship. Is
that an oxymoron? Does being in a relationship negate one’s own free will? We often
ask couples to consider the question “What parts of myself do I need to compromise to
be in a relationship with you?”
In the early years of a relationship when you are getting to know one another and putting
on your best face, there is a positive energy and excitement as you share your best
selves. There is a merging of the feelings of free will with compromising and negotiating
with a generous spirit. As the relationship matures, expectations start to encroach on
free will as you are sorting out the rules, which govern your union. In the later years
when the kids have grown up, you once again seem to breathe, and “now it’s time for
me.” Thus it seems that there is a developmental influence to be considered when
thinking about free will. There needs to be room for two people in a relationship.
Successful relationships allow for both people to exert (exercise) their free will.
Sit with your partner and discuss the concept of free will in your relationship. How often
and under what circumstances do you and your partner exercise free will?
Does it feel unbalanced? Do you need to update or renegotiate the balance?