pearl of the month
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075
© Marriage Labs 2012-2024
Pearl of the Month - January 2017
Clearly, one of the more difficult situations that couples
grapple with is being in the car together. Frequently,
when the husband is driving, he is accused of driving too
fast, too close to the car in front of him or driving
Another common struggle is each partner is convinced
that his or her route is the correct way to travel. She
notes that her way is faster while he is equally convinced
that his way is the way to go.
Then you add in the controversy posed by the protocol of
cell phone use when in the car together and a further layer of discord is presented. In
addition, women often complain that if they did not initiate small talk, there would be
silence on the journey.
We wish we had a simple, straightforward solution to the struggles presented by couples
being in the car together, but there is none. There must be a better answer than each of
you taking your own vehicle. If any couples have worked out strategies to the taxing
situation of driving together, please share your insights with us.
There must be a better way.
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